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White Vein Thai Kratom

White Vein Thai Kratom

Of all different kratom varieties, white vein kratom is the most unique. This vein type has some of the most energetic strains of all and tend to be used in the mornings, or in draining situations where fatigue would be otherwise inevitable. However, while energetic, they overall tend to have less painkilling, analgesic properties than green and red vein strains.
Because of this, they have a very unique niche, and not everyone is suited for them. For those who haven’t tried this variety of kratom, there is a lot of potential within these strains, and shouldn’t be overlooked in favor of some other, heavier strain — sometimes the clean boost of white veins can be just what is needed.

White Vein Thai Effects

As briefly mentioned, the effects of this variety of kratom are unique in comparison to other vein types. The most common effects of white vein kratom are stimulation/energy, nootropic (cognitive boosting), endurance, and it has even been used for depression.

Stimulation, Energy and Endurance

One of the most common reasons that white vein kratom is used is for a clean pick-me-up. If you read through kratom forums, you’ll find many people who have replaced their morning coffee with a white with great effect. The energy that is provided from these strains tends to be much cleaner than the jittery energy of caffeine and other stimulants. The reason for this is the balancing of energetic and analgesic alkaloids, which also contribute to its endurance promoting effects by increasing energy and dampening the pain response.

Nootropic Effects

While not highly researched, many users of white vein kratom have experienced have experienced some unique cognition boosting effects. A few users have reported increased memory recall, but the most common effect reported has been increased focus. Many suspect the reason for this is the synergy between its energetic and analgesic effects, which appear to dampen background noise and promote natural focus. Because research in this area is so limited, it may be a while until we can delve more deeply into these areas.


Similar to the nootropic effects, the anecdotal antidepressant effects of white vein kratom haven’t been researched much; however, user experiences across the board find that it is useful in this regard; however, whether it is useful for depression long-term is difficult to say at this point.


The reason for different effects between white an red vein strains is their differing alkaloid profiles. Thanks to Raymond-Hamet, Beckett AH, Shellard EJ, Lee CM and Phillipson JD, we have some preliminary studies about alkaloidal differences between strains grown in different regions, and what alkaloids contribute to their effects.

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Sadly, there haven’t yet been any serious studies on vein type and alkaloid profile, but differences in effect seem to indicate similarities between strain alkaloid variation and vein type variation. Because of this, we have a much better idea of what alkaloids are found in this vein type, though it is far from complete and can vary depending upon what vendor or area you buy kratom from.

In this variety of kratom, we can expect to see a proportionally higher amount of mitragynine, and a lower amount of 7-hydroxymitragynine than is found in red vein strains, contributing to the energetic effects and reducing the painkilling effect. Additionally, we will likely see less speciogynine (a smooth muscle relaxer) and less ajmalicine (a anti-adrenergic sedative) than is found in red and green vein strains. Because this is far from complete, we will likely see a large number of other variations between different vein types.

Variability of White Vein

After years of previously selling kratom, we have noticed something that very interesting about this type of kratom: people tend to love them or get little to no effect from them at all. With other varieties, such as red veins, the effect from person to person is fairly even across the board, whereas white veined strains tend to play at brain chemistry in a very different way. Because of this, not every person may be particularly suited for them. However, like any other good thing, it is typically worth a shot, as the effects can be very helpful, and useful.

Additionally, white vein kratom dosage may be different than that of other strains, some who are sensitive to the effects may require less, whereas those who are less sensitive may require more. Because of this, it is a good idea to monitor dosage and start low if interested in this variety of kratom.

Popular Strains

Because white veined strains are found in all different regions and strains, there are a variety of different effects on can encounter depending on their choice. Some of the most popular are:

White Vein Borneo

As Borneo strains are typically more sedative in character than many other strains, this variety of borneo has a variety of properties unique to it. Anyone who has tried this variety knows that it tends to provide both energy and analgesia, given it is of sufficient potency. This blending of effects makes it very useful for those who require pain relief or anxiety relief, but don’t want to sacrifice performance or energy in order to achieve it. White vein borneo kratom is similar to Indo in this regard, and they share these common characteristics. However, each particular borneo and indo strain is different, so the effects can vary slightly.

White Vein Thai

Another common strain is white vein thai. The white veined varieties of kratom, on top of the already energetic effect of thai, can be a bit jittery for those who aren’t used to the sedation, but can also be highly effective for tedious work or jobs requiring a lot of energy. Sadly, the painkilling effects of this strain are not very pronounced. White vein maeng da is very similar to thai, however, it tends to have slightly more analgesic effect. However, this depends upon each individual plant and strain.

White veined kratom is one of the most unique of all strains and carries with it a variety of unique properties, which have given a broad range of good experiences. However, not everyone is affected the same way, so it may take some trial and error to find the ideal choice for yourself.

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