Site icon Salvia Extract

Quiet Time – A Salvia Trip

Dose: 1 gram of Salvia Divinorum extract 10x
Method: Smoked
Body Weight: 140 lbs
Gender: Female
Age at time of experience: 25
Experience Year: 2014

Salvia Trip Preparations:

It has been at least 10 years since I used Salvia, but a friend reminded me of that night and we decided to prepare ourselves again. Having a free weekend, and having seen it around available at local shops our interest was seriously peaked. With my new interest in it, I did some searching and found a spot online to buy salvia, 5 grams of unstandardized 10x. The 5 grams was more than I needed but I wanted to be able to share if my friend really wanted to join me. I would also have some extra if I needed more from not smoking enough. When the time came we bought the 10x extract, split the cost so we planned on splitting the batch.

Mood and Atmosphere:

I decided it was best to have a buddy for this. My friend and I went onto my private back patio, we were alone in my house, and there we packed the bowls. We sat down on some comfy folding chairs, the kind for tailgating or taking to a festival. The atmosphere was pretty normal, just another back patio hangout It was after sunset and felt sort of damp. The porch was covered and screened in so no bugs or creatures could interrupt the trip. No neighbors were nearby either to distract us.

The house inside was not lit, just a candle on the back patio illuminated us. We both had brought our own bowl to use, using the most clean bowls we had so we didn’t accidentally combine any drugs. We decided to go in together, lighting up and smoking the entire bowl at the same time. It only took a few hits to burn through it.

Dosage: I packed 1 gram into my bowl, he might have packed a little more or less but we did not compare before going in.

My Salvia Trip Experience:

Initial response – The beginning of the trip, the effect is hard to describe. it was dark out and it felt like I could feel the earth slowly spinning and my mind go to darkness. I did not feel my body at this time. It was not that I was without sensation but the sensation was absence of my body. Mentally, I knew the candle was burning in front of me and I could hear some animal noise in the distance. I was still at my house but everything was so dark and still it was like time was frozen.

After the initial feeling of darkness – 5 minutes into the trip. Of course I wanted to ask my friend how he was feeling but I could not find the words to form a proper sentence to ask him out loud. I felt curious and lost in a good and simple way. I quickly stopped caring what he was feeling and started trying to keep some ground. I was not sure if the earth was going to disappear. Because I did not believe my feet would support me in the darkness. I started imagining walking into my house, taking the trip in my mind rather than physically getting up.

I could not get up to go into my house. Also, there was no chance of me making it over to my friend who was on the other side of the patio in his own chair and having his own trip. We would both sit there until we cared to talk about how we were feeling. His eyes were closed. I was cold and dark and comfortable and I projected that was how he was feeling too. I am lucky I stayed in my chair.

The urge to get up went away, I just sat in my chair and tried for a minute to close my eyes and keep them closed. Mostly I tried to go with the motion I was feeling as the earth moved. I reached an acceptance of my surroundings. My location did not change but I felt like I was moving and it was pleasant. The sounds came and went but I felt quiet inside, I did not miss the sounds when they left. Darkness did not feel scary, I closed my eyes with all the strength I had to make for a more intense trip and then I was floating.

The floating went on for 5-8 minutes, that was as long as I could keep my eyes shut. Then, opening my eyes I tried to make out shapes again. It was not hard readjusting to the light of the candle or the atmosphere. I had gone a little cold from staying so stiff in my chair and I was feeling warmed up a little, slightly damp from the humidity outside. I played with my mouth a little, opening my jaw and feeling how different it felt, like I had been a stone statue for years. I looked down to make sure I was still attached to my chair and the patio.

15 Minutes in – Scanning slowing, I checked to see if anything was out of place, everything seemed fine except for the lighter on the ground I must have dropped. I checked for the candle and it was low as a puddle of wax has melted around the wick. The low light alerted me a little, I did not want to be in total darkness now I had the feeling in my limbs back. I looked to my friend, his eyes were still closed and he was smiling. We greeted each other and stewed in our chairs stretching.

The most notable effects wore off after 15 minutes – I had not smoked salvia enough for the more intense effects, and I decided it was a fine time to go inside for a lay on the couch. I stumbled through the dark kitchen and into my living room, I left the patio sliding door open for my friend to follow. I sat down on the couch and looked at my ceiling. It was incredibly satisfying to stare up at it, these were the after effects. Like I had just gotten to know myself at a deeper level and felt some of that inner peace. There was a dark and quiet peace for some time after that and eventually I yelled for my friend to come inside and he rested in the lazy boy nearby.

We did not speak but rested for another 15 minutes. After that it was late enough to go to sleep. No dreams after the trip, just a very deep sleep. It was an intense feeling, much more than the first trip I had taken, similar to the first time I did not get up and move around much. It was peaceful and insightful and very quiet.

Experience reports:

  1. Salvia Trip Reports
  2. Salvia 10X Experience: “Recent Salvia Trip of Mine”
  3. Salvia 15X Experience: “The Space Between”
  4. Salvia 20X Experience: “Outdoor Connect”
  5. Salvia 20X Experience: “My First Salvia Trip”
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