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A Recent Salvia Trip of Mine

A Recent Salvia Trip of Mine

Dose: 4 hits of Salvia Divinorum extract 10x
Method: Smoked
Body Weight: 180 lbs
Gender: Male
Age at time of experience: 19
Experience Year: 2011

The other night I drove to a secluded area outside my town to smoke some salvia. Upon arrival, there was a deer and a buck that galloped off into the distance a little. I brought a few blankets which I laid out and one I covered up with, and a pillow to lay my head on as I looked up at the star covered sky. I packed a bowl in my bong and sat there for about 3 minutes, breathing and relaxing my body, preparing for the journey. I decided it was time, I reached over for my bong and put it up to my mouth, lit the lighter and took a hit. I set the bong at my side and looked up at the stars again. My eyes got heavy and my senses diminished slowly. The visuals started to come, I saw a bright yellow wall with a blue meditating person at the bottom, kind of resembling Buddha. At first there was a single wall but it quickly become four separate walls all visible, the meditating person was 3D compared to the wall but the overall feeling was of 2D visuals for a short while. The walls became bright colorful shapes, used to create a beautiful environment. Many colors started to show and things were quite distorted in terms of organization, things were all over the place. Once the colorful visuals were all prevalent, the chanting sounds came into play. There was enthusiastic laughter and giggling that sounded as if it came from the colors and shapes themselves, sort of like everything being part of one connected mind that thought independently for itself, even inanimate objects. At this point, all things became part of one big environment that I could feel myself as part of; there was houses, plants and pretty much a city that I was in the middle of that was made of only bright shapes, mainly squares and circles. Once the visuals became most vivid, the effects started to wear off. I could feel it all diminishing, just like my senses before entering the foreign land. My physical sight started to come back and I was able to feel myself in my body again. I stayed laying on the ground with a blank expression on my face, listening to everything from cars driving in the distance to my thoughts and intuitive wisdom. I did have a blank expression and my body felt paralyzed, at least for a minute until feeling came back into my nerves, but I was in a complete state of bliss and enlightenment, the energy in my body was aligned and I could feel both my heart and mind in harmony. There was more than just thinking about what was around me, I was feeling it on a very energetic level. I had no worry, anxiety, stress or any other negative feeling. I was completely aligned in terms of energy and I was connected to the world around me. I got up and packed everything into my car once I felt feeling in all of my body, I sat in my car for a few minutes just thinking and allowing my body to fully adjust to being back in physical reality. I thought about how over confident I had felt, so I went to the corner store and bought a scratch ticket and it won (this is not the first time I have won on tickets right after using salvia). Earlier that day I had smoked a little salvia and went to buy a scratch ticket and I ended up winning on two tickets in a row, which only helped me maintain my state of mind and understand the harmony of my heart and mind. The experience that night was beyond enlightening; salvia divinorum is an amazing tool for obtaining nirvana and expanding consciousness.

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Salvia for sale is available for purchase in our online store. Check your states salvia legal status before you buy salvia

Experience reports:

  1. Salvia Trip Reports
  2. Salvia 10X Experience: “Quiet Time”
  3. Salvia 15X Experience: “The Space Between”
  4. Salvia 20X Experience: “Outdoor Connect”
  5. Salvia 20X Experience: “My First Salvia Trip”


  1. Salvia Effects
  2. User guide for Salvia Extract
  3. Salvinorin A experiences (Erowid)
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